Tuesday, November 5, 2013

césped artificial comenzó a entrar en el torneo de liga

césped artificial comenzó a entrar en el torneo de liga

Suiza y Austria por primera vez este año en el estadio de césped artificial en la Champions League y el partido de la Copa UEFA. ¿Cuál de estos dos grandes acontecimientos en Europa , sería un gran avance.

Con el nuevo Estadio Nacional de Suiza , Berna ( Bern ) 10 000 estadio Fu Keduo (Stade de Suisse Wankdorf ) decidió establecer el estadio de césped artificial , fútbol internacional, último obstáculo está roto. En esta próxima temporada , e incluso la Liga de Campeones de este top de fútbol gigantes fiesta europea , también estará en la carrera de césped artificial.

Top eventos en Europa utilizan el césped artificial no es sorprendente. El año pasado , la FIFA (FIFA ) y la UEFA ( UEFA) decidió permitir el uso de la raza en cualquier césped artificial , siempre y cuando la calidad del césped cumple con los estándares de calidad de dos asociaciones de fútbol de arriba. Sin embargo , los comentaristas nunca han pensado en el césped artificial de aceptación tan pronto, porque sólo hay algunas pequeñas ligas y torneos decidido utilizar césped artificial. Internacional gran club aún no ha tomado una decisión para reemplazar el césped.

Wan Ke Duofu se suma a la participación en el proyecto de la UEFA " Socraturf " piloto de cinco años fuera del primer gran evento estadio asociado a la corte europea . El proyecto está financiado por la UEFA puso en marcha en 2003 , tiene como objetivo comprender mejor el césped artificial en toda Europa de los resultados. Los resultados del proyecto piloto el año pasado , la FIFA y la UEFA Mundial desarrollaron conjuntamente nuevas normas de calidad directamente relacionadas .

Con Wan Ke Estadio Duofu y Salzburgo (Austria ) Red Bull Arena ( Red Bull Arena ) han estado poniendo césped artificial , Campeones de la próxima temporada de la Liga y / o muy probablemente en el partido de la Copa UEFA en césped artificial. En estos dos cursos para el equipo local desde el final de la temporada dejó algunos juegos , que determinará si son elegibles para participar en competiciones internacionales. Por otra parte , Suiza Thun Club ( FC Thun) Si introduce la competición Copa de Europa , sino que también estará en Wan Ke Duofu estadio para los partidos internacionales, porque su casa es demasiado pequeña y no cumple con los estándares internacionales.

Además de la Europa League se celebrará fuera de Suiza Wan Ke Estadio Duofu y Red Bull Arena en algunos otros aspectos también muy similares . Su césped artificial es fabricado por una empresa se ​​llevan a cabo en el Perú desde hace 17 años, el césped de la Copa del Mundo similar.

Ambos cursos tendrán lugar en Austria y Suiza comparten el Campeonato Europeo de 2008 celebrado en algunos juegos. Sin embargo , en este torneo será permitido el uso de césped artificial , ya que la UEFA exige a todos en la misma carrera en el césped . Debido a que en ocho sedes previsto celebrar un concurso, sólo dos ( actualmente) de ser reemplazado con césped artificial , no es probable que sea mucho cambio. Por lo tanto , durante el Campeonato de Europa , el césped artificial se cubrirá con una capa de arena , la arena cubrió con césped natural para jugar. Después del partido, se eliminará el césped natural, seguir utilizando el césped artificial.

A pesar de la joven equipo ( FC Young Boys , Suiza Wan Ke Duofu equipo local estadio ) , Thun Club del equipo Red Bull Salzburgo y equipos de la liga en sus respectivos países es quizás el mejores equipos , que no pueden competir con el AC Milan , Ajax Amsterdam y Bayern equipo de Munich en comparación con un equipo tan grande . Y los tres mejores clubes a menudo inferiores por sus problemas territoriales caseros naturales .

Incluso el año pasado comenzó a utilizar el equipo local Bayern Munich Allianz Arena ( Allianz Arena) también se ha considerado para el reemplazo del estadio de césped natural , el lugar ya que en esta temporada cada vez peor. Sin embargo , ellos no han decidido públicamente a utilizar césped artificial .

AC Milan e Inter de Milan casa común - Milan el estadio de San Siro , la situación es la opuesta. Federación Italiana de Fútbol no se ha permitido en el juego principal con césped artificial , pero están acelerando el estudio de viabilidad.

Se espera que la Federación Italiana de Fútbol para permitir que todas las competiciones la próxima temporada de utilizar césped artificial. Dos clubes de Milán se anticipan firmemente la llegada de este momento , tienen sobre el césped de San Siro estadio reemplazado por césped artificial interés expresado .

Sin embargo , el club Ajax de Amsterdam, a pesar de que se considera que en el estadio Amsterdam Arena (Amsterdam Arena) primera colocación de césped artificial , hasta ahora no se toma una decisión .

Club de ex presidente Arie van de Eijden dijo el año pasado , y ahora el campo de césped artificial es menor que el césped natural de alta calidad, llegar a su nivel . Además, como dijo un oficial de la UEFA , nada mejor que el césped natural en las mejores condiciones . Sin embargo , la calidad de césped artificial cada vez más cerca , y puede seguir siendo la misma durante el desempeño temporada , sin importar el clima . Suiza Wan Ke Duofu y Red Bull Arena , sin duda se beneficiarán de la hierba artificial de este espectáculo único . Ahora sólo quieren ser capaces de lanzar en la Liga de Campeones la próxima temporada será muy útil .

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Para el césped artificial que queremos ver los detalles de la naturaleza

Para el césped artificial que queremos ver los detalles de la naturaleza

Muchos lugares en nuestras vidas , podemos ver que el césped artificial, pero respetamos su inteligencia también puede limitarse a la superficie , si queremos comprender la profundidad de su tendrían que mirar a través de los detalles de su esencia. Aquí césped TurfSoccerartificial dirá cada uno de los tres aspectos , espero poder darle una mejor comprensión de césped artificial.

De hecho , en el verano, cuando la temperatura es relativamente alta , lo mejor es no demasiado tiempo en el césped artificial del ejercicio , ya que si la temperatura está por encima de 30 grados , la temperatura que el césped artificial que lo haría altura de 6-11 grados , y cuando la temperatura se eleva la temperatura superficial seguirá aumentando . Si seguimos en este momento , y su intensa fricción que entre en contacto con nuestra piel será algún daño.

Use amigos TurfSoccerartificial césped encontrarán este césped artificial que habría roto el cable y la situación, muchos de los cuales están respaldando debido a su fuerza y resistencia a la abrasión debajo de lo normal , durante un período de tiempo no son los viejos y malos a la corrosión después de que tendrá esta situación . Si los problemas de espacio son el alambre probablemente sería el final de la goma de raspado de la espalda no es uniforme. Si los gases de escape después de que el césped artificial y también cómo tratar con él ? La mayoría de ellos se encuentran en un país extranjero que tiene la empresa especializada en reciclaje y descomposición , incluso después de la recuperación de los recursos .

Monday, September 30, 2013

Confusión en la selección de la durabilidad de césped artificial en la clase base

Confusión en la selección de la durabilidad de césped artificial en la clase base:

Capa base de césped artificial:

La mayoría de los fabricantes de césped artificial están produciendo 3 base de capa y el uso de material de lona material de plástico PP, algodón prensado en la capa media, o capa de enlace de malla, adhesivo de capa de protección químicos pie de césped artificial.

La diferencia entre los fabricantes de PP sólo tiene que utilizar materiales puros o reciclados, materiales adhesivos y normas ISO?

Pero toda esa diferencia no es un problema demasiado grande para la vida de la hierba artificial, como sabemos, el PP está en la tierra agitando insolubles para resistir temperaturas exteriores, llueva o truene. En caso de problemas en el césped artificial en los próximos 5 - 7 años es apenas ocurre, esto se ha comprobado en el uso real.

Fibras de césped del paisaje:

Este es un problema que muy pocos, la mayoría de los inversores de negocios artificial césped césped artificial no le interesa o no interesa. Los hilos utilizados son el tiempo es muy importante, se trata de un problema relacionado con la calidad del campo de fútbol artificial para jugar al fútbol.

Para entender como fibras de hierba artificial garantizan estándares juegan al fútbol, fibra seguro de cómo utilizar 5 - 10 años sin color plata, tirado, de fibras picadas y garantizar la calidad del 90% como nuevo.

¿Por qué hacer el campo de fútbol de negocios san artificial césped artificial, la cantidad de materiales de césped artificial siempre es 60% - 80% del valor total de la inversión?

¿Por qué cuando la producción de la cantidad de hilos artificiales hierba césped artificial siempre 60% - 80% de la cantidad total de productos de césped artificial?

Inversores Invitado campo de fútbol artificial del norte o de los inversionistas de césped artificial VIVAURF china de Wuxi, por favor llame a ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina para el asesoramiento específico y probado por los experimentos internacionales.

Monday, September 9, 2013

World Cup selected artificial turf main features are

World Cup selected artificial turf main features are:

( A ) one hundred Reese is one hundred green cultivated in high-intensity exercise has shown excellent performance under Kentucky bluegrass varieties, superior wear resistance and very resistant to low pruning performance, making one hundred Reese became the top performance in the stadium turf grasses . The green , slender leaves . Another characteristic of one hundred Reese particularly fast emergence and root development , can reduce the harm of weeds , improve turf speed.

( 2 ) Although it is one hundred one hundred Diya green bluegrass varieties bred earlier , but because of a strong resistance and good resistance to occupation trample ability Ideal for sports turf , this breed is also part of World Cup stadium optional varieties.

(3) Limousine cultivate a non- green one hundred Egeria , resistance to low trim varieties.

( 4 ) Platinum (Bargold) for the cultivation of the current performance of the Green one hundred most specific one perennial ryegrass varieties , leaf fineness and red fescue , as can be trimmed to the low- 5mm, shade and wear resistance, and has also been used golf greens and tees .

( 5 ) New Roman is one hundred green nurtured by the wear and high density can be quickly restored perennial ryegrass varieties.

In order to meet the stadium artificial turf FIFA status to the extent possible consistent with the requirements of the World Cup venues by the exactly the same turf grass production. April 2005 , respectively, in the Netherlands and Germany, sowing, each venue twice the size according to the actual production of turf. May 9, 2006 harvest volumes turf , turf soil volume thickness 3cm. The reason why so sod grown 13 months, mainly in order to nurture the roots of the lawn . artificial turf after transplantation, the ability to quickly take advantage of the volume , the volume is resistant turf intensity exercise depends entirely on the turf root volume status . There are also many domestic Stadium turf transplant volume , but the volume to the turf root development level of attention is often not enough , and some sod volume may only 4,5 months after sowing was moved to the stadium , the lawn looks density although other aspects are good, but wear resistance and other aspects than the poor, degraded faster. Stadium turf lawn should also focus on production volumes selected varieties , most of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars in breeding and no special consideration when abrasion . Old varieties cheap, but poor wear resistance , can not be used for low trim Stadium artificial turf.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How artificial lawn dormant for conservation?

How artificial lawn dormant for conservation?

Into the winter, dormant lawns in an extremely fragile state, vulnerable to external damage. Because to establish turf protection flags, strengthen personnel patrol tube to prevent pedestrians from vehicles of excessive trampling and crushing. If the dormant period and wear due to trampling the lawn rolling aboveground, underground parts will be frost and death, thereby affecting the timeliness turning green lawn next year. Temperatures rise, some will be germinating lawn, lawn start tiller, fear trampling trampling should be avoided as much as possible, resulting in soil compaction, so that the lawn bald spots forming phenomenon.

Do Lawn Maintenance management summary, the production of labor, plant protection, fertilization, irrigation, mowing, weeding and other work to conduct a comprehensive statistics, compared with the original plan, to see what kind of work is not completed, what work needs to be improved, so that maintenance work further improved. In conclusion, based on the work of last year to do the production planning, budgeting, purchasing materials, pesticides, fertilizers, equipment, facilities, etc., to prepare and employment, and make this year the implementation of technical measures. In large sand arid regions, especially when seeding lawns should continue to make up the frozen water. At this point irrigation low temperatures, in order to prevent ice phenomenon, should be in the sunny 10:00 pm to 15:00 between watering, the soil can be quickly absorbed in the temperature dropped to complete this work, and timely return.

In addition to these measures, to protect but also to achieve a reasonable period of dormancy lawn fertilization, cold fire.

Cool-season lawns in the dormant winter, you can add a certain amount of applied organic fertilizer, improve soil structure, promote beneficial microbial activity in soil, improve soil temperature, enhance soil fertility, reduce diseases. All localities should combine local climatic factors, local conditions, flexible use. In the dressing should be done fertilizer evenly, avoiding "spotted"; fertilize the lawn before pruning, watering immediately after fertilization to prevent burns lawn.

For laid late or late fall lawn seeding in winter dormancy period as may be appropriate to use the non-woven fabric cover, plastic film, such as ash or straw covered cold, to prevent frost damage. Winter dormancy period of the lawn after another into the withering period, then prone to fires, especially in crowded places staff activities in particular should pay attention to. In addition to doing a reasonable before winter pruning, removing grass cushion is too thick, it should also clean up litter on the lawn, these flammable substances, could easily lead to fires.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

synthetic turf is a rich diversity of visual pleasure

Pleasant green lawn although to a certain extent, to beautify the urban environment, but in practice proved that the development of urban green lawn causing a serious shortage of green models and do not form a reasonable three-dimensional space of the green network, but also to build lawn high cost, consumption more water, and many other ills.

Some people think that lawn uniform, Greenery, such as blankets, like the scenery, like fashion style abroad. However, from an ecological point of view, synthetic turf is a rich diversity of visual pleasure, which is like you are more willing to look rich and diverse forests, rather than those neat monotonous large lawn. Second, the economic cost is likely to cause the illusion. Same size lawns and forests, people often mistakenly think that grass, low cost, planting more costly, in fact, quite the opposite. Moreover lawn too much water, the lack of biological diversity, the European countries almost no kind of it. Quick success also formed an important reason for the hot lawn. Grass fast and effort, while planting trees is difficult, cycle long, slow, some officials in pursuit of green achievements, excluding the actual results, a large number of built lawn, resulting in a great waste of financial resources.

synthetic turf

From the global scope is concerned, this result is precisely the goal of improving the ecological environment is contrary. Application of scientific methods to urban greening gradual manner, the urban greening as "image projects", only to make green bubble, no end of trouble. Ecological effect is the sole criterion for testing ecological means. Our city from the grass in the wake of bitter brought by enthusiastic grass transition to "retreat grass also tree", synthetic turf should be a good sign.

Now most of our grass some prescriptive requirements, such as how much square green area to reach by how much, but kind of a nobody, is very extensive pipe is pipe. Do not meet the growth pattern of the lawn. Today, many manufacturers began to transition engine for lawn machinery, and domestic lawn mowers will gradually occupy the domestic market because of its price is much lower than that of imports.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

synthetic grass market capacity reached ten million

synthetic grass market capacity reached ten million, the scale of the strength of domestic enterprises with lawn grass fiber production capacity, independent research and development stage into. And lawn grass fiber production technology has reached world-class level, a number of domestic enterprises to obtain a FIFA-site certification, making the domestic end-users get the maximum benefit, you can purchase in the domestic market to the international quality standard products. The future, China and lawn grass fibers on the strength of downstream processes will be fully integrated in the enterprise, that enterprise competitiveness will also have the production capacity and lawn grass fibers.

synthetic grass

As in the domestic real master synthetic grass laying technology manufacturers are small and they are mostly foreign technology, therefore, is not sufficient in the laying of sand synthetic grass, especially when laying shock-absorbing foam cushion layer must be done by the foreign experts. A layer of shock-absorbing foam underneath to smooth asphalt as a basis for the following also covered with asphalt gravel, sand and gravel as the basis of which the construction of the drainage system is the most critical part. In addition, this type of synthetic grass during the installation process be sure to use artificial turf special machinery, especially in some professional or costly installation laying of sports venues is particularly important, otherwise it will not be able to reach ground leveling and uniformity requirements .

Today, there are still some owners on how to choose a high standard, quality and reliable products in the lawn doubts, in fact, get FIFA venues certification business is the highest guarantee of product quality. As is currently the highest standards of performance soccer grass makers, synthetic grass for FIFA to increase promotional efforts to encourage FIFA to increase the number of certified sites, to improve the overall quality level of the venue, especially for developing countries outside Europe FIFA with local sports organizations or government agencies, FIFA introduced a number of preferential policies to encourage the laying of the venue and the use of authentication. Early 2009 was also modified and the introduction of new standards for synthetic grass soccer grass performance requirements more stringent.

In FIFA's support and influence, synthetic grass performance in different regions, especially in developing countries has been greatly improved. synthetic grass products in environmental protection are also increasing public concern, the German standard DIN relevant tests have been widely used in synthetic grass tests.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

artificial grass materials, working materials arrangement measures

artificial grass materials, working materials arrangement measures

artificial grass artificial grass Engineering Materials engineering entity constitutes the material basis, in the implementation process, only to ensure the supply of materials, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of artificial grass, artificial grass otherwise it will affect the progress of the project and delay period. Therefore, we must do the construction, prepare materials. Special materials, semi-finished and finished ahead of orders. Material testing system and developing an implementation custody system. We use the following measures to ensure that the duration is complete.
        1artificial grass pre-construction projects, arrange for professionals to implement all the necessary supplies and materials, semi-finished program material by the company responsible for procurement personnel departments and on-site materials, semi-finished goods and work approach. For sand, cement, grass and other large selection of quality materials to be relatively stable manufacturers products and make the appropriate quality inspection procedures.
        Two on-site management staff to follow the requirements of the construction schedule, well in advance of the arrival of materials and working materials, plan to do on-site materials and Chi materials planned, in the order to approach supply.
        3 develop a comprehensive approach detailed material plan, the availability of materials, cement, sand, stone and other storage capacity of not less than five days of its construction demand in order to meet the construction schedule needs.
        4 Press the new materials, new technology and new technology requirements, the implementation of artificial grass and working materials approach the project plan. Other measures
        A project manager who develop a daily habit of understanding the weather, according to weather changes and to adjust working arrangements.
        Two major construction workers daily discussions to determine next steps and working arrangements for staff, guarantee period completed on schedule.
        3 in a timely manner to maintain close contact with the side of the building and communication to ensure that artificial grass works smoothly.
        The fourth part of the management organization, management, staffing
        Project organization
        To strengthen the construction management, strengthen the construction of the artificial grass project leadership and coordination of the work, the establishment of artificial grass project manager for the Department. Implementation of the project management method, the company appointed Zhen Zhihui artificial grass engineer as a project manager, Lee Second Division artificial grass as a technical engineer responsible person solely by the project manager responsible for the artificial grass works and is directly responsible to the company. The project manager is artificial grass project quality, safety, construction progress, civilization, and other work-site first responsibility, technical director of the artificial grass is the project site and on-site technical and quality and safety of civilized persons directly responsible, the project manager functions related to personnel under the leadership of the project manager, the organization managing the artificial grass works.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Kindergarten is laying artificial grass or plastic mats?

Kindergarten is laying artificial grass or plastic mats?

Most kindergartens for the safety of children most are lined with plastic mats or artificial grass, but in the end the use of artificial grass or plastic mats do?

Plastic mats common specifications and breadth were 500mm, 500m ,30-50mm. Surface color red or green. The mats can be laid to the interior can also be used outdoors. The same artificial grass also can be used for indoor and outdoor. So in the end how to choose them? Personally feel that it is best to use outdoor plastic mats especially kindergartens slides with plastic mats following is the most appropriate to be able to better ensure the safety of children. If you use artificial grass enhanced if the proposed use of artificial grass so that the thickness of the elastic on both the guarantee. In fact, on nursery is laid artificial grass or plastic mats in my personal opinion are possible, both for the interior, it is a good choice for outdoor use, then I am more inclined to plastic mats, especially children's play area plastic mats, then in terms of security better than artificial grass.

Kindergarten is the use of artificial grass or plastic mats are possible both for indoor, outdoor play areas for the individual, then more inclined plastic mats.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The primary component of polyethylene artificial turf is non-biodegradable materials

artificial turf on the relative activity characteristics of natural turf advantage of excellent field homogeneity, flatness, but also much better, you can prevent abundant due to weather, maintenance and other elements of adverse site conditions formed, and then affect competition.

The impact of the situation on the air condition affecting natural lawn constituted by the green plants, can be subjected to reasonable light collaboration with these lifelong metabolic process receives carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and can receive sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, chlorine and other toxic gases, purify the effect of air. There are distinct natural turf blocking effects of dust, measured according marked life in scraping thirty-four wind, bare ground air dust concentration of 13 times over the lawn. Studies show, 25 square meters of lawn can be a small reception I fully exhaled carbon dioxide, is converted into oxygen, contentment human respiratory oxygen required for the process. artificial turf is made of polyethylene, polypropylene and other polymers made from non-living matter, can not introduce new movement for green plants, and not having a conditioning effect of atmospheric oxygen balance. Although artificial turf can be blocked to some extent, the dust, but does not have to receive toxic gas purification function of the atmosphere. In addition, low levels of artificial turf fiber technology often contain chlorine impurities at high temperatures, strong sunlight premise would differentiate and release chlorine and damage air quality.

The impact of weather natural turf rootzones is mixed sediment body structure has plenty of pore water and precipitation processes can accumulate water, play water cultivation effect. Hot weather, the turf grass with roots deep in the water received through transpiration effect take four weeks the situation a lot of heat, useful for lowering the ground temperature, conditioning necessarily within the confines of the small weather. artificial turf plateau bed structure made of rubber, concrete or asphalt composition, water simply can not play the cultivation effect, so can not reduce the surface temperature and the heat capacity is small, resulting in surface temperature significantly higher than the air temperature, especially in the block-style stadium this problem is more severe. Summer noon hours, artificial turf venue can look to the surface near the heated air has clearly distorted picture. For the implementation of the data indicated, 30 ℃ high temperature above premise, the appearance of natural turf uniform temperature below the temperature of 2 ℃ to 3 ℃, while the artificial turf surface temperature is higher than the temperature 6 ℃ to 11 ℃, and with rising temperatures, artificial turf surface temperature rise should be clear than natural turf. In the summer, artificial turf surface temperature is very high, if the attack at this time compared to its use by intense friction, contact with the skin will suffer severe damage.

The final product of natural grass hay residues that occur in the floor bed sediment microbial differentiation effect, the conversion of organic matter in the soil from the new back. Final scraps non-toxic, harmless sediment inclusion bodies, one can add organic matter to improve after another he used to do.

The primary component of polyethylene artificial turf is non-biodegradable materials, after 8-10 brother of the cuts, the composition of several tonnes of polymer waste. Common foreign takeover by professional companies to receive degradation, and then complete the capital regeneration applications, domestic Highways engineering can be used as the foundation of filler. Going to other uses, such as by the need to eliminate the root of asphalt or concrete bottom.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Professional Soccer&Football Grass S50117

S50117(Professional Soccer/Football Grass)


1)Natural appearance

2)Made of diamond shaped monofilament

3)Strong color-fastness

4)Excellent durability and resilience


Pile height 20-65mm
Yarn weight 11000 Dtex
Yarn type PE / Monofilament / 8 F
Color         Dark Green, Lemon Green, Bi-Color(Mixed)
Guarantee 6-8 years

artificial lawn

This product information comes from TurfSoccer.

Friday, June 14, 2013

synthetic turf excellent properties make rapid development in China

synthetic turf excellent properties make rapid development in China

Excellent features to make synthetic turf in China developed rapidly, although it's popular in China than in Europe 10 years later, but users in a very short period of time they accepted it. In 1990, only about 10,000 square meters of synthetic turf stadium, from 1997 to 1999 entered the Chinese application area two years to grow to 500,000 square meters ,2000-2001 rapidly developing application area of ​​1.5 million square meters. 2002-2003 Application area reached more than 300 million square meters, which is exactly the same development curve with plastic track and plastic runway together quickly and become a new standard for school sports venues. In Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities for the pilot, the government's education and sports department has developed a plan for synthetic turf be vigorously promoted. In addition to schools, many of our sports centers, such as: Beijing, Xian Nong Tan, Dong Dan, to the altar, the sun and so has used the synthetic turf as the main stadium.

Currently, synthetic turf has been well received by the school, organizational units, stadiums and other public places of all ages. Also, because the synthetic turf carpet not only non-slip, dust, easy to clean, and the shape of real grass, a green feeling, now become a common upholstery, and get ordinary people's favorite, therefore, synthetic turf market prospects are widely good, which is the domestic synthetic turf manufacturers continue to emerge, the reason why the industry has developed rapidly. synthetic turf can be used in outdoor weather, almost no rain and snow weather; maintenance is simple, is the irreplaceable natural turf, while low cost, low maintenance costs, which are widely used.

synthetic turf

synthetic turf grass industry solve the birth day of the year class sports venues can use high frequencies, heat and cold regions around the world use, low cost and convenient maintenance and other issues, so the synthetic turf has become a variety of sports and leisure venues best surface materials, and get FIFA, FIH, Network Alliance, the United Kingdom and the United States Football League and other institutions recognized and has been used in many international famous football club training ground, and even be allowed to use in the major world-class venue.

At that time our country was subject to foreign synthetic turf fibers exclusion, therefore, from around 2001, China began using imported raw materials, finished products assembled in the country, while the domestic industry has no uniform testing standards. Shanghai is currently only developed on the special monitoring of outdoor sports venues normative documents, in fact, the quality of artificial turf on the market is uneven, the school in the introduction, there may ignore this. To say that in China that the synthetic turf market is quite broad, it can invest a good project.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A new generation of synthetic grass is used for airport

A new generation of synthetic grass is used for airport
In the United States one pair of airport staff research survey showed that the use of artificial turf system can greatly improve airport security.

1 synthetic grass surface does not provide the water needed for wildlife, food, or hiding place, thereby reducing the impact of wildlife on the airport, eliminating wildlife damage to the aircraft.

2 so that the runway shoulder more robust, to ensure aircraft safety, eliminating the aircraft skidded off the runway into the soft natural turf potential hazards and the resulting costs incurred.

3 reduce soil erosion.

4 Reduce gas shock on soil erosion.

5 to improve the drainage capacity.

6 enhanced vision, to ensure pilots can clearly distinguish between the runway and the synthetic grass.

7 simplifies turf management, do not send another person to the airport operating area of synthetic grass for maintenance, improves the overall airport security, but also reduces the use of herbicides and pesticides, the environmental pollution and lawn maintenance costs.

8 reduce FOD (Foreign Object Debris) damage to aircraft, virtually eliminating FOD threat to flight safety.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

synthetic turf artificial turf field system is only one part

What is FIFA (FIFA) 1 Star and 2 Star certification?

It is certified that:

Is a single venue separately certified (a card game ground)

Is a single venue all artificial turf system certification, including the foundation, fillers, lawns, etc.

Is at a time (mostly at the venue just laying is completed) for a single venue football applicable performance

* Test carried

* Football games for performance including the vertical rebound, the ball rolling and vibration absorption etc.

It is certified not:

Not on some kind or class of artificial turf product certification or label. It's just a single site certification (a card game ground), ie a single venue qualified certification does not represent all categories of products that use that or venues are qualified.

Not the right one or some artificial turf manufacturer certification. It's just a single site certification (a card game ground), that a single venue qualified certified by the synthetic turf manufacturers do not represent all of the products are qualified.

Not on the artificial turf of the certification. synthetic turf artificial turf field system is only one part, the foundation of the different type of filler, different site environment will affect the entire system, wherein the filler of the foundation with an important proportion accounted for.

Not a product quality assurance certification. It was at a time (mostly just laying venue finished) test this single performance venue for football matches. Not for the composition of space systems to a product's long life warranty.

Monday, May 27, 2013

artificial grass is to determine the quality of several major issues

Compared with the natural turf, artificial grass there is a longer life cycle, flatness, you can use higher frequencies, etc., together with its construction of fast, easy, low cost maintenance, artificial grass replace the natural turf has become a trend .

With artificial grass growing in the international arena is certainly international predators on artificial grass production has gradually increased in the international market territory. In 2006, the Italian TurfSoccer factories in China Beijing suburbs, is a manifestation of this strategic direction. Represented by TurfSoccer artificial grass production predators international presence, will also be the domestic market for artificial grass product quality and performance studies upgrade to a newer international standards.

It is understood that the shoes and turf interaction interface is appropriate and reliable site surface grip, ball rebound after touching the turf, annual consumption, as well as the maintenance of turf, artificial grass is to determine the quality of several major issues. It is worth mentioning that, in abandoned tire rubber and other inferior filler flooded low-end artificial grass today, TurfSoccer but to devote themselves to come up with a five-year period ECOFILL ecological characteristics of this crystal, all-natural materials and grain size generally , after the force in spatial memory function and a unique shape and foam technology, forming a natural soil with very similar characteristics, there are not as natural soil compaction due to the effects of weather, wet, water, uneven .

Data show that, TurfSoccer artificial grass for its low consumption to ensure the longer term use of higher frequency, even after years have also guarantees 100% recycled and TurfSoccer artificial grass never appear as a single product, but in the the laying of the first to seek harmony with the environment, durable a systems engineering.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Development of artificial grass soccer world

Development of artificial grass soccer world

1. European football:
    The author of the Germany, France, Britain and other countries have done a lot of research soccer turf, turf soccer in these countries mainly sand soil. Football lying on the table completely within 30cm of sand to complete the 1990s for anti-trampling the lawn from the racetrack over the study cited in the surface soil mixed Ru Nilun net. Effectively enhance the tear resistance of the soil. Leather kind of lying bluegrass, tall fescue class-based.

    2. U.S. and Canada playground
    The early 1960s, the United States, there are many universities to lawn stadium caused a lot of research techniques, there are also many non-governmental research institute related to the current seedbed all use made of sand. Widely used in the construction of the system is: PAT (Frescnpnon athlitic-turf system) system, CELL system. The greatest feature of this system is to force drainage, rainy days can continue the game, save water, space utilization high.

3. Australia, New Zealand and other countries of the football field:
    These countries football, horse racing and other sports venues soil matrix is ​​mainly dominated by sand, but there are also individual using mixed soil, using the grass to Bermuda (Bermudagrass)-based, locally called Cauch grass. Rely on winter sowing of annual ryegrass to keep the annual evergreen lawn football field.

4. Our football field
    On the lawn of the stadium construction technology basically has not been studied. In the 1980s, after some natural turf soccer field using transplanted to cause a football field. To the 1990s along with the vigorous development of football from south to north built Ding many sports venues. However, the construction of football field levels did not increase, some of the venues simply understood abroad caused by the construction of the theory. Most venues nationwide results using inefficient, difficult maintenance, in order to finish the game task, the transformation of the surface had to be repeated. Sometimes in order to important games, six months in advance have closure. Some European countries lawn turf football field in perfect condition weekly using a 2 - 3 days. Seedbed to sandy loam ten organic based. The choice of a variety of grasses. Actual speaking, China's turf soccer football birthplace construction techniques from several countries such as: England, Germany, is still far. In today's highly competitive football, football field athletes will affect small changes in the level of skill to play. Now many countries, football training fields using the same requirements and official venues. Chinese football to the world, how to make first-class football training field and the playing field, so that athletes training in peacetime has a good sense of trained professionals superb skills of our future research.

Monday, May 20, 2013

artificial grass first appeared in the sixties of last century

At present, the price per square meter of the domestic artificial grass products in between $ 60-100 per square meter price of imported artificial grass in between $ 170-280, the same model product price difference of 100 yuan, and FIFA certification higher prices of imported grass. Artificial grass made life of 2-3 years, while imports the artificial grass life of 8-10 years, due to the poor quality of domestic grass, easily weathered, damaged, the safety factor is smaller, athletes likely to cause injury. Huge profits for some producers and agents to take risks, and even forged FIFA certification. The relevant government departments, lack of supervision, lax enforcement, resulting in the artificial grass industry competition in a state of disorder.

Guangzhou Ocean Yuan Heng Chemical Co., Ltd. Manager Liu Jing told reporters, FIFA announced on its official website the 16 kinds of artificial grass won their qualification, domestic producers Chemical technology is relatively backward, without an artificial grass enterprise products gained international UEFA qualification. But many domestic producers in foreign countries only spend $ 1 to register a company, then made a false declaration, the domestic products under the registered name of the company abroad, posing as the imported products. "Is a typical example of the so-called British MIE Enterprise, the industry knows that its production base in Tianjin, just MIE Investment Holdings Limited, registered in the UK base in a foreign country does not produce its products in the domestic production. the Huainan Sports Bureau bidding to sign up 26 different types of artificial grass agents provide FIFA qualification certificate can confirm that 90% is forged. "

A original the MIE enterprise work Mr. Jiao told reporters: the MIE's production base in Tianjin indeed. Due to the high cost of import agent grass, artificial grass for domestic distribution wire grass is mainly imported and domestic grass. Most of the sports venues construction unit requires the use of imported grass or FIFA certification of products, many domestic enterprises in order to sell products, provide agents with false declaration or FIFA qualifications. The many lax review of the construction unit, so easy to muddle through.

artificial grass first appeared in the sixties of last century, the United States, followed by Europe and the United States has gone through six stages of development, from the earliest nylon fibers to PE LSR materials the monofilament and tear film, artificial grass industry has made great progress. In other countries, the development of artificial grass industry steadily, whether it is from the production of raw materials, equipment and lawn R & D, sales of artificial grass, pavement have entered a more mature market stage. Regulate the operation of the market, which has been formed a relatively complete industrial chain and industrial structure.

Friday, May 17, 2013

the user in the choice made by the two materials, artificial grass, should be emphasized

The popularity of artificial grass in order to better meet the different needs of the movement, in addition to performance, there is the frequency of use, maintenance maintenance ...... its popularity is an inevitable trend.

We probably have to understand the structure of the artificial grass, it is mainly composed of three parts by the the grass fibers bottom, glue. Wire grass material is polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), nylon (Nylon). Currently, in the market, more widespread use of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Since the two materials are different in terms of performance and price, so that the user in the choice made by the two materials, artificial grass, should be emphasized.

Based on current market conditions, there are many manufacturers to discount the means to achieve the purpose of competition in the market, but you know, discounted, usually by reducing the cost of the product to achieve more boast some manufacturers in the market ultra-low-cost sales of artificial grass, the materials used are superior imported raw materials. We should be clear, if the truth they say, their production costs must be very high. Manufacturers must be profitable, otherwise it will not be maintained, which is a commercial reason that the pendulum. Reduce costs, regardless of the way in which the artificial grass is different from other products must meet the sports performance indicators, and therefore this approach to reduce costs directly affect the quality of the product. Artificial grass industry is a bit like the domestic tourism industry a few years ago, everyone in order to compete for market share at the expense of playing the "price war", resulting in the quality of service for the tourism industry as a whole landslide ......

Products in the market pricing is determined by the need to market to each of the different artificial grass products market pricing should be different from the face of consumer groups should also have high, medium and low end points. Thus Artificial grass venues user should be based on their actual needs and project budget, from several perspectives taken into account to choose the artificial grass products. You know, the school artificial venue users is the future of our country, the good and bad of the venue will directly or indirectly affect their growth.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

other brands of artificial grass cotton unable to reach a similar level

Indoor artificial golf greens

The special greens simulation layer specially crafted simulation of: greens TurfSoccer the layer is made ​​by specially crafted rayon, especially to simulate the true green grass softness, texture, density and color so that it can show the plunger speed match the true greens. A special emulation layer is specifically designed for TurfSoccer artificial greens, other brands of artificial grass cotton unable to reach a similar level. You see in the market artificial greens, the production of artificial grass used in man-made fibers are generally used to do intense exercise (such as football, rugby or tennis) sites, rather than designed specifically for golf putting green.

Made a special quartz sand: TurfSoccer artificial greens the use of special quartz sand, fill the gap of artificial green grass, to create a natural touch the green surface. Market greens are the use of non-standard quartz sand as a filler, easy to make the surface of the green and harden due to the accumulation of time, the impact of putting performance. Made a special quartz sand by TurfSoccer company successfully developed, to maintain the softness of the greens surface.

Shape layer: TurfSoccer, artificial greens using a special blend proportion of molding sand, so as to create a variety of ups and downs on the greens, can simulate a variety of golf putting green land situation.

Permeable layer stone layer: in artificial TurfSoccer greens under the gravel layer consists of two layers of flexible foundation. Two layers of special material stone layer to provide a stable support for artificial grass, and good drainage effect, it will not cause cracking phenomenon due to climate factors. In addition, the greens can also be freely designed undulating uphill, downhill terrain.

Base layer: covered with a layer of special synthetic fibers in order to stabilize the base.

Friday, May 10, 2013

according to the different herb combinations, artificial lawn can be divided into the following types

Garden lawn, according to the different herb combinations, artificial lawn can be divided into the following types:

    1. Simple lawn

    By a herb grass, saying a single grass or grass alone, such as Kentucky bluegrass, Zoysia grass, dog teeth grass lawn. Selection in northern China Department of buffalo grass, Kentucky bluegrass, Zoysia and other plants to lay a single lawn. In South China and other places selected Manila grass, Zoysia sinica, centipedegrass, carpet grass, Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue. By the growth of a single lawn neat, beautiful, low, dense, leaf color consistent conservation and management, require fine.

    2. Mixed lawn

    Formed by several gramineous perennial herb mixed planting or mixed with other herbs lawn or grass gramineous perennial herb, known as of mixed lawn or mixed grass. According to the lawn functional properties, resistance to different requirements of the people, a reasonable proportion to the ratio of the mixed to improve lawns effect. For example, in China's northern Kentucky bluegrass + red fescue + perennial ryegrass, in southern China dog tooth grass, carpet grass or Zoysia mainly grasses, can be mixed with perennial ryegrass.

    3. Decorated flower lawn

    Grass plants as the main lawn or grass (mixed or pure), configure some gorgeous flowering perennial herb, known as lawn decorated with flowers. For example, on the grass, natural thinly dotted with saffron (Crocus), daffodils (Narcissus), Iris (Iris), Lycoris (Lycoris), tufted phlox (Phlox subulata), of Iris lactea (Irisensata), Hosta ( Hosta), Zephyranthes (Zephyranthes), leek orchid, orchid February, safflower wood sorrel (Oxalis) purple drug to the small, herbaceous and bulbous plants. The number of the cultivation of these plants is generally not more than 1/4-1/3 of the total area of ​​grassland. Distribution are sparse dense, scattered natural, but mainly for facilities open lawn, forest grassland, forest, grass, ornamental grass and revetment revetment on the grass, in the recreation lawn, flower bulbs located in the less busy place. This herb and flower bulbs, and sometimes fat leaves, sometimes flowering, sometimes flowers and leaves, hidden among the grass on the ground I saw a grassy field, afar Lvyin like blanket, unique sense of humor, for people to enjoy rest.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Chinese synthetic turf market analysis and thinking

The Chinese synthetic turf market analysis and thinking

One, Synthetic turf market analysis

More benign advantages: the development of several well-known enterprises, the strength enhancement. Several large brand recognized by customers occupy most of the market,

Disadvantages: fierce competition among several brands are injured. The decrease in profits, some of loss.

Opportunities: in the sports industry has invested heavily Soccer Park, the public health Square, popularity, and more and more the second and third tier cities in the transformation of primary and secondary school playground. The market is more and more opportunities.

Threats: pollution of the environment and lawn recovery, sooner or later the country will interfere. We should go in front.

Second, the development of synthetic turf industry thinking

Specification of the quality of the lawn, now the national standard is being revised, we recommend that the technical parameters to improve turf quality, substandard environmental pollution lawn manufacturers kicked out.

(2) the establishment of the industry alliance. Industry regulator.

3 is committed to the recommended synthetic turf GB rising as a mandatory national standard.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Many football field artificial turf laying

Many football field artificial turf laying, but the laying of artificial turf football field require other materials such as quartz sand, black rubber particles, then the ratio of the number of different wire grass is what it?

Quartz sand to be poured into the grass, since the foundation of the grass to protect, to counterweight and prevent the effects of aging of the deep grass silk. Specifications of quartz sand is generally in the 20-40 mesh; rubber particles can play to enhance flexibility, improve the degree of simulation, to protect the athlete's role, generally used for more than 32 mm of Artificial Turf, specifications for the 1.5-mm. The sprinkle irrigation quartz sand, quartz sand need to sprinkle a layer with a nylon brush to push up the grass, Zaisa layer, until the grass evenly exposed a suitable height.

     artificial turf filled with quartz sand and rubber granules dosage recommended:
     The length of the wire grass filled with quartz charge the amount of rubber particles fill the top of the wire grass height
     10mm approximately 4-8 kg / m without charge rubber particles of about 5 mm
     20mm approximately 8-20 kg / m about 1-2 kg / m approximately 7 mm
     25mm approximately 15-20 kg / m about 1-3 kg / m approximately 8 mm
     32mm approximately 18-23 kg / m approximately 2-3.5 kg / m 9 mm
     40mm approximately 23-28 kg / m about 3-5 kg ​​/ m approximately 13 mm
     50mm approximately 28-32 kg / m about 5-6 kg / m approximately 17 mm
     55mm approximately 32-35 kg / m about 5-7 kg / m approximately 19 mm
     60mm approximately 35-38 kg / m about 6-8 kg / m approximately 20 mm
2 adhesive cloth: the role of the adhesive tape is to be connected together the lawn and boundaries of the entire site. There are two types: a width of 20-25 cm for the bonding between the lawn and the lawn; width of 25-30 cm is used for bonding between artificial turf and white lines. To a standard football field, for example: the adhesive tape is about 3000 meters.

Glue: Artificial Turf for bonding, adhesive cloth with plastic about 0.3 kg per meter.

4 grass loss: a regular venue, grass attrition rate of about 3%, the runway corners loss rate is about 8%.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Lawn grass is artificial planting herbaceous vegetation management with aesthetic and practical function.

Turfgrass use and adaptability of

Lawn grass is artificial planting herbaceous vegetation management with aesthetic and practical function. Green grass in the park, manicured golf courses and functional sports turf, can give people the joy of beauty. In addition to the aesthetic function, lawn grass also has the function of cleaning up the environment. Per acre lawn can absorb hundreds of thousands of kilograms of sulfur dioxide, provide oxygen to the atmosphere (photosynthesis). A small courtyard green manufactured oxygen enough a normal use.

The turfgrass is divided into cool-season and warm season turfgrasses two categories. Due to the different photosynthetic pathways, cool-season and warm-season turfgrass were classified as C3 and C4 plants. The following brief overview of several major turfgrass:

Cool-season turfgrass:

Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) can be applied to the courtyard lawn, green parks, golf courses and other sports turf planting. It is usually applied in moderate to high level of conservation management. The main floor space for seeding or the turf floor space. Floor space by seed, germination generally takes 10-14 days (to be slower than most lawn grass), the floor space is also very slow speed. Advantage of the grass with stretch ability rhizome, long life cycle, ability to adapt to the environment, resistant to trampling (commonly used in the sports arena), and better than other cool-season turfgrass resistance to heat, drought and cold characteristics. In addition, some Kentucky bluegrass strong shade tolerance.

Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa L.) applicable in lawn quality requirements, and extensive management lawn. Its high top growing point, mowing can lead to injury. It is not easy to form a dense, high-quality lawn, but adapted to acidic, dry, barren soil, so the soil is commonly used on both sides of the highway is fixed.

Ordinary bluegrass (Poa trivialis) pale green leaves, plants and Kentucky bluegrass is small compared. It may be formed in a shaded, humid environment of high density lawn. Heat, drought tolerance, and thus commonly used in bermudagrass greens winter sowing.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

has been preferred filler particles of the synthetic grass

This work is inherent in the synthetic grass with discarded tires filled with particles containing carcinogenic PAHs, with a pungent odor, heat absorption, it is difficult to recycle, a single color, and the lawn system compatibility defects and poor, the combination of polymer and professional knowledge, the choice of SBS, SEBS, PP, POE, PE, naphthenic oil, consisting of a thermoplastic elastomer as the matrix, active calcium carbonate, stearic acid or coupling agent treatment to the filled material, together with various pigments and anti- old, etc., as appropriate mixing granulation process, development environment-friendly the new thermoplastic rubber filler particles, making it both environmental protection, wear-resistant, high-elastic, soft, anti-aging, rich colors, thermoplastic recyclable and more kinds of innovation, and applied for national invention patent. France, South Korea and other testing authority, in addition to the basic sports performance requirements, the products are environmentally friendly and rich colors certainly by the user now has many exemplary football venues in Ireland and Korea, Ireland Rings END IRELAND football field reached a FIFA 2 star standard of professional stadium (the highest level), industrialization prospects. The key technology in the works for a reasonable proportion of the various components and processing technology, the series of technical integration technology for the industrialization of the work required. In addition, we also for the needs of different customers personalized, in-depth development of several series of products, to further improve the market competitiveness of the products. The works of the main technical indicators are as follows: Appearance: grass green, olive green, beige, khaki cylindrical particle density: 1.40 ± 0.20g/cm3 particle diameter: 1.5mm, 1.8mm, 2.0mm, 2.2mm wear resistance: Leesburg detection 5000 water content: ≤ 3% of the heavy metals and other harmful substances: meet customer requirements.

Over the years, the the black scrap tires filled with particles resistant, inexpensive, has been preferred filler particles of the synthetic grass, but in recent years, for such particles containing carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), irritating odor, smoke high heat, thermosetting difficult to recycling and other shortcomings, many countries and regions have banned or restricted the use of such filler particles. The research group for this trend, the choice of SBS, SEBS, PP, POE, PE, naphthenic oil, a thermoplastic elastomer composition as the substrate, stearic acid or the activity of the coupling agent-treated calcium carbonate as a filler, and then with various pigments and anti-aging agent, a suitable mixing granulation process, to develop environment-friendly new thermoplastic rubber filler particles, making it both environmental protection, wear-resistant, high elastic, soft, anti-aging, color rich thermoplastic recyclable and other features, and applied for national invention patent (200910029870.0) to fill gaps in the type of product. By the new investigation addition to commissioned achievements into a rubber Materials Co., Ltd., there is no domestic production of the types of particles, publicly reported or apply for a patent, formula used in the present invention and innovation has not been disclosed in the literature reported.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Monofilament artificial grass

Monofilament artificial grass

Review the course of development of artificial grass and now has more than forty years, it is the most from the United States, with the continuous development of market demand, in addition to the pursuit of excellence in sports performance, people also want to artificial grass is more beautiful, more practical, lasting. Response to market demand, monofilament grass developed into a trend, as opposed to the traditional fiber grass, it Resembling natural grass, pavement easier, easier maintenance and longer life.

Monofilament artificial grass, once launched, once in Europe and the United States is very popular abroad, 80% of the sports venues are made of monofilament grass, the monofilament grass closer to natural grass, better sports performance, easy maintenance and so on. Domestic, however, is limited due to technical previously monofilament grass mean slice monofilament grass family, it uses the traditional slice monofilament, due to the constraints of the equipment and technology level and other factors, at the end of its life, the binding force, abrasion resistance and other obvious flaws, resulting monofilament grass in China have not been used by the user.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Choice of golf course putting green artificial lawn

Choice of golf course putting green artificial lawn

Golf course putting green turf generally circular or approximately circular irregular shape, the general area of ​​450 to 700m2. A standard golf course putting green area in the the 0.8 to 1.2hm2. Putting green lawn manicured short grass lawn and generally slight slope and downs, but the ball unimpeded rolling on its surface. Putting green hole position change. Hole puncher by specialized set inside the cave is a metal or plastic cup, the cup should be below ground 2.5cm (1 inch) inside the cave, flags hole, deep 10.16cm (4 inches). So that flag to identify the hole, the hole diameter of 10.79cm (4 1/4 inches).

Rootzones structure:
In 1960, the United States Golf Association (USGA) and the golf course lawn experts recommend a better putting green floor bed structure: Ping bed layer of a 30cm fine sand and peat, below 5.1cm coarse sand, and then the following is 10.2cm thick gravel, gravel under the drain, soil pH from 6.0 to 6.5.

Putting green grasses select:
The bentgrass (north temperate, boreal, cold temperate) Penncross varieties most widely
Bermudagrass (tropical, subtropical and temperate South)
The seashore paspalum improved varieties (tropical and subtropical)
Tropical and subtropical ryegrass for winter overseeding
Ring (Collar) and guards (APRON)

Around the green circle width of 0.9 to 2.7m ring (Collar) (ring lawn mowing height slightly higher than the green and below the fairway) surrounded by protection with the greens, grass and conservation management and greens are the same. Connected to the ring outside the fairway that is connected to the junction of the greens and fairways guards (APRON), management level lower than the greens and fairways similar.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

About on artificial grass recycling tire filler concern

One of the advantages of artificial grass is that it is the solution used tires recycling a way, because every year there are more than one billion tires to sell, how to deal with used tires is indeed a problem. Doyle said that the recovery of used tires each year 300 million artificial grass enterprises can take advantage of the 12 points. Laying density of about 4 to 15 pounds per square foot filler, every soccer field to use an average of 20,007 thousand tires made of rubber particles. Europe has begun a massive tire recycling campaign, in this campaign, the tires will meet the quality standards are processed again and utilization. Really can not re-use waste tires are recycled for other uses, including industrial power generation, production of plastic road surfacing materials, and recycling for the automotive industry raw materials for the production of artificial grass. In Western Europe, the recovery of used tires utilization increased from 65% in 2001 to nearly 90% in 2005. Many places in terms of waste tire just a year can increase the number of tons of waste that need to be addressed, but in Europe, scrap tires has become potentially valuable secondary raw materials.

The world's largest tire manufacturers in the world - Michelin - waste tire recycling department SergeP alard. Said: "(discarded tires) uses more and more. Few years ago, in some countries, people do not know how to deal with the waste tires; waste tires can meet the production needs of the provider. "industrial chemicals to follow the requirements of the European Union has recently performed more testing of chemicals registration, evaluation, licensing and restrictions (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, REACH) regulatory requirements, such as Michelin, the company is working to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in tires, waste tires in order to facilitate re-recycled as other products. About on artificial grass recycling tire filler concern, European companies are also looking for new and innovative ways. For example, Italy is trying to artificial Grass launched in the market with new non-toxic thermoplastic material as a filler. A flooring manufacturer the Ecofill of production by Mondo is a patented technology polyolefin particles, dedicated to artificial grass. The company claims that this material is more effective heat dissipation, a high degree of damping, PVC-free, ethylene, plasticizers, heavy metals or other harmful chemicals, and 100% recyclable.

Another alternative is made from plant-derived material filler. GEO SAF e Play artificial grass manufacturer the Li Mengta movement its production is a coconut shell and a filler made of cork. Domenic Carapella, a company spokesman said: "There must be an alternative method of the rubber particles and we will no longer justified, more importantly, because of the use of artificial grass at the expense of the quality of movement is no longer reason to harm children's health."

Sunday, April 21, 2013

specifications and types of synthetic turf

specifications and types of synthetic turf, if you want the selected type of product, you must have the following indicators can complete description of the requirements:

1, wire grass Material Type: PA (nylon), PP (polypropylene), PE (polyethylene)

Most lawn now use the main material for the PE wire grass, PA wear resistance, but the material is too hard, easy to burn the skin of the athletes, the wear resistance of PP the venue short life, while the PE soft and wear resistance better, is now the venue of choice for sports contact class, the PA mainly used in landscape grass market.

2, the shape of the wire grass: mesh split film yarn, monofilament

Mesh wire in many venues on a large number of results, monofilament became popular in recent years, mainly due to Synthetic turf appearance more like natural grass, beautiful appearance, a slight advantage in terms of wear resistance, but usually high price in the mesh.

3, lawn height: 60mm, the height of the U.S. and European markets usually football stadium domestic venues tender due to the long-standing habits height is generally between 40-55mm, lawn height is higher, the higher the cost, the filling materials and labor costs will also increase, generally around 50mm to meet the requirements of owners can be set to 60mm high grass.

Base fabric adhesive way: usually gum styrene-butadiene latex, more high-end adhesive PU adhesive, the difference between the PU adhesive wire grass pull-off force far greater performance than styrene-butadiene latex, the appearance of bright, waterproof performance is good, because molding PU gum, additives, and so more environmentally friendly. However, the high cost of the PU adhesive, the usually product prices will be higher than the 20% -30% of the styrene-butadiene latex products.

Synthetic Turf base fabric type: usually divided into the base fabric composite base fabric and composite grid three, three relatively higher tensile strength of the base fabric.

6 needles way: usually divided into word needles, and Z words needles. Two needles are used to meet the requirements, but the Z-shaped needles so that a more uniform distribution of grass wire and wire grass gum adhesion will be higher.

, The density of the synthetic Turf: usually 50mm high grass, about 10,000 needles, high quality requirements, can provide appropriate density, but the cost will rise. And the higher the altitude, the General Settings density down.

The 8 grass wire pound: usually divided into 6600DTEX, 8800 DTEX, 9700DTEX, 12000DTEX, 15000DTEX etc., represented Silkwood weight per million meters of grass, usually football venue more than 8800DTEX of.

Pound higher density will be smaller, the basic guarantee in the wire grass per square meter weight of 1 kg.

Synthetic turf industry in China developed rapidly, lawn companies are involved in competitive global markets, we will continue to work in the field of view of the user's perspective and researchers continue to observe the Synthetic turf industry, continue to do the development of sports industry observer.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Expo artificial turf to allow visitors to rest and is no longer difficult to

Expo artificial turf to allow visitors to rest and is no longer difficult to

600,000 flow is not settled have difficulty? "The day before the Expo site just refresh to 631,200 digital visited the park visitor record, many people will worry about the hardware facilities of the park can not withstand the test of such a large crowd. But on the contrary, the management of the park early September visit to passenger less hardware facilities of the park, the laying of a comprehensive renovation and refurbishment of bridges flooring, artificial green spaces and other facilities to ensure that the park can easily deal with large passenger flow test.

The previous encounter large passenger flow, the most troublesome visitors in addition to the endless long lines, that is, the rest of which is always in short supply, it seems that the park chair, covered with lawn green and very easy to stampede and lying pressure destruction. However, now into the park of visitors do not have to worry about can not find a place to rest, because the park has been laid thousands of square meters of Artificial Turf, not afraid of pressure, "green is the perfect choice for tourists stopping for a rest. Reporters yesterday via Thailand Pavilion to see a green lawn, the Thai Pavilion next to the skywalk actually, many tourists are lying or sitting on top of the rest. Concrete floor how species drafting of it? "A reporter approached only to find, this is actually an artificial grass, not only not afraid to step on, not afraid of pressure, but also soft and comfortable, no wonder many tourists are aimed at this place to rest.

In the the park sanitation workers under the guidance of, the reporter found that artificial grass not only at the in Evergreen North Road, near the National Exhibition Road there is a greater area of ​​artificial green, and a large concrete floor is not even a rest chair. Cleaning work carried out in this quarter Sister told reporters that this piece of artificial grass is the park early September the completion of the laying of an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters, and now the face of large passenger really put a big help. "In the past, tourists everywhere to find a chair to sit, sit directly on the ground on it, but also comfortable and not afraid to take the bad Artificial Turf."

Park in hardware maintenance not only withstood the test of large passenger flow in June and July, the Expo axis many covered bridges floor fracture and collapse cope with the flow of people from the 56 million estimated "tight", as early as in early September, the park has begun the floor of the covered bridges comprehensive renovation, removing all the previous floor, the floor covered with the texture better. After more than four months after the wind and rain, the park's flower garden there has been considerable damage, in recent days, the park also is stepping up the flower garden re-laying, especially the flower garden in front of the Expo Center, formerly dead, the muddy green spaces has been shoveled away, covered with sand, re-laying in the above green space, planting flowers, Expo best face in the last month or more to meet the Quartet guests.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Plastic tennis courts and synthetic turf door stadium construction program and performance advantages of contrast

Plastic tennis courts and synthetic turf door stadium construction program and performance advantages of contrast

synthetic turf of doors stadium construction program are as follows:

The first step, in-situ measurements positioning compaction, flatness demanding (very smooth)
The second step, laying 12cm thick reinforced concrete layer, reference numeral 200 # (recommended site 200mm × 200mm double steel mesh in the upper half of the concrete layer waterproof expansion agent) plus 4%.
The third step, the surface of the construction is completed within 12 to 24 hours, the ground covered with agricultural mulch film, mulch then compacted with sand at the waterproof conservation week.
The fourth step, build high wall around 400mm.
The fifth step, the laying of artificial turf, installed lines.
The sixth step, the red door stadium dedicated sand.
The seventh step is to install the goal laid.

the synthetic turf Gate Stadium the following advantages:

Stadium synthetic turf doors, good water permeability, drainage clean and does not contain any harmful substances, noise absorption function, can be connected using the affordable while still allowing you to fully enjoy the fun of nature.

Plastic tennis court

Provisions in the the the tennis competition rules promulgated by the ITF and the National Sports Commission, a standard tennis court covers an area of ​​not less than 36.58 meters long (north-south) × 18.29 meters (east-west width), this size is a standard around the tennis court block the net size of the nets or indoor building wall. Effectively doubles space in this area, standard size: 23.77 meters (length) x 10.97 m (W), after the end of the line should be left room for not less than 6.40 meters and not less than 3.66 m should be left outside the sideline. Install net post in the stadium, measured at the center of the two columns, column spacing is 12.80 m, the top of the net and the posts from the ground is 1.07 m from the ground in the center of the net is 0.914 m.

If it is connected to two or more than two tennis courts built parallel, the distance between adjacent venues sideline of not less than 3.66 m. If it is an indoor tennis court, a clear height of over 6.40 m away from the end of not less than 6.40 m the indoor roof over the tennis net height not less than 11.50 meters.

Tennis court site should consider the following basic conditions:

(1) not too close from the road, not mobile, etc.. If the best from light mesh blocking is appropriate.
(2) around the venue planting lawns and plants.
(3) convenient for people to use.
(4) outdoor venues basic to the north and south to the long axis of the bias should be less than 20o.
(5) the sunny, sheltered.
(6) with good drainage, the groundwater level is not high.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

the construction of the synthetic grass fibers imitate the shape and color of the natural grass plants

Artificial Football Field Turf

Newly laid way easy maintenance

In recent years, the foreign-developed a new lawn construction methods --- Integrated Turfgrass Management System, also known as removable lawn. This construction system is composed of by many lawn module, these lawn module can be pre-planting in the outdoor, for the venue, near the game will be pre-prepared lawn block moved into the stadium. To meet the different uses of the game, planting can choose different varieties of lawn and turf grasses. If the lawn is serious injury, you can be replaced at any time, and recycling. The modular system chassis can be artificially controlled ventilation, drainage, ventilation, heating and cooling. 2002 World Cup in Sapporo, Japan, the football field is the use of that method of construction. This method not only completely solve the problem of low light, low temperature, drainage ventilation and poor, this movable soccer field at the same time after the end of the game the lawn removed, in order to meet the needs of the other events.

China has a "concrete lawn" is also quite amazing, this concrete brick laying on the ground, doused with water, and within a month, the grass is coming out from the concrete. This method is scientific ingredients, grass seeds sprout in concrete with a certain intensity, growth, and prefabricated concrete brick, final construction laying.

Concrete grasses in the bud growth after a period of time, the roots into the soil through the lower part of the concrete bricks continue to grow through the concrete bricks upper reaches green grass. The strength of concrete lawn can increase or decrease the thickness of concrete bricks, concrete blocks, the thicker, the greater the strength of the concrete lawn does not affect the growth of grass and concrete bricks thick. Activities of people or vehicles in the concrete on the lawn, just step on the pressure in the grass leaves, and hurt not concrete roots, grass rhizomes have been better protected, the grass more resistant to trampling, can withstand 50 tons to 200 under the weight of tons. Concrete lawn production base in the production of precast concrete lawn After the long grass after a one-time transfer of laying, construction of large-scale, site pouring approach can also be used. Science and laying turf can effectively reduce the cost of laying and maintenance cost of the lawn.

Vitality of new grass

Improved varieties of grass, making it an important way to increase traffic tolerance is improved lawn. American dwarf Bermuda grass is an improved quality varieties. It is common bermudagrass and African bermudagrass hybrids, this grass seed has grass dwarf intensive, strong growth potential, strong resistance, especially its resistance to trampling superior regenerative capacity is also very strong. Although it has a winter yellow disadvantage, but chasing in the autumn sowing ryegrass seeds and other methods can well compensate. This lawn abroad are widely used in the golf course, football field and public green space in some areas of China has been the introduction of this species.

China called cubic blunt uniflora new grass seed is also very suitable for lawn planting. Unlike normal grass grow upward, but on the grounds of tile spread, rapid growth. Can be used in the competition venue, the urban landscape, the cubic blunt leaf grass "can also be used for river or terraced slope solid soil, grass pull down can be transplanted, do not need with soil transplanting avoid turf shovel brought The fertility destruction. This grass has to apply to the "State Protection of New Varieties of Plants.

low-cost synthetic grass

Although the natural grass gives to feel close to nature, but also a lot of, not only the cost price is high maintenance overhead compared to laying synthetic grass is more suitable for many sports venues. the synthetic grass originated in the 1960s, first in the United States is used for American football field. Currently, the Netherlands, Australia, the technology is also very mature. the construction of the synthetic grass fibers imitate the shape and color of the natural grass plants, it uses the material is PP (polypropylene) or PE (polyethylene) and PP and PE copolymer mixed into the fibers. This fiber warp knitting machine processing, according to certain specifications interception fiber to make it the same length. The non-directional and hardness of synthetic grass allows users comfortable at the event.

synthetic grass can guarantee more than 10 years of service life, low maintenance costs, and rinse with water to remove dirt, and has not fade, no deformation characteristics. directly woven synthetic grass playground markings used in all maintenance personnel do not have to be frequently crossed frustration.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

artificial lawn is a key part of the modern livestock production system

artificial lawn is a key part of the modern livestock production system. On the one hand, it can make up for the deficiencies of natural grassland yields low to effectively alleviate pasture grazing pressure; the other hand, it can be a steady stream to provide livestock quantity, high quality forage. Therefore, artificial lawn sustained, stable and healthy development, protection of the ecological environment, improve livestock production plays an important role for the maintenance of livestock production. However, in the vast arid and semi-arid areas, artificial lawn is highly vulnerable to the double impact of natural and anthropogenic factors. Artificial lawn, drought, sandstorms and salinization, barren and other natural factors pose a direct threat to human practice activities and the level of awareness has a direct relationship to whether artificial lawn can function properly.

The ratio of the size of the total 12,582 rural information network area of ​​grass artificial lawn is also the most important symbol to measure the level of productivity of a country of grassland animal husbandry. U.S. artificial lawn (including crop rotation grass) accounted for 29%; New Zealand accounted for 61.9% of the total area of ​​grassland. According to the analysis, in the world, the proportion of total natural turf artificial lawn per 1% increase in grassland animal production levels increased by 4%, while the United States increased by 10%. The artificial lawn area accounting for about 3% of the total area of ​​grassland, the quantity and quality should be improved. Grassland restoration of cropland is both ecological construction, revegetation need more building and an excellent opportunity to expand the construction of artificial lawn.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

synthetic grass sports venues based on artificial turf into the carrier

Mosaic lawn woven lawn, leaf-shaped fiber length is longer and larger changes, from 12mm to 55mm, and can be adjusted according to the specific needs. Grass filled with quartz sand, rubber granules or a mixture of both, appearance and traits is closer to natural grass, indoor and outdoor installation. Woven lawn use more nylon woven and finished into blanket-like. Compared with the mosaic fascicles turf the braided synthetic grass production process complex, relatively expensive, the lawn surface hardness, buffer performance is not good, but good lawn uniformity, strong and durable.

The site should be designed in accordance with local geological report of the sports venues, the location of the annual precipitation and maximum precipitation, the location of the site to inspect. synthetic grass sports venues based on artificial turf into the carrier, and the quality is good or bad will directly affect the performance of the entire synthetic grass football pitches. synthetic grass football stadium venues based basic stability, and does not collapse. According to its structure can be divided into a variety of surface: asphalt concrete surface layer, reinforced concrete surface limestone surface, and seeds stone surface layer. Asphalt surface is more popular in the country, which itself has a waterproof, can not direct water penetration inclined to rely on the venue slope drainage. In the rain when the venue stagnant water together into a small water, resulting in the loss of the quartz sand, rubber granules lawn to the edge of space will be too much water, stagnant water in a short period of time is not easy to discharge.

synthetic grass for infrastructure and standards. Currently used in synthetic grass sports venues basis of the type of asphalt concrete, waterproof concrete type, gravel base and thirty-seven soil foundation. Choose what kind of foundation type and drainage system is considering the functional requirements and economic conditions of the venue. The requirements of the international football bodies venue is steady and stable, recommended asphalt base, multi-select drainage pipeline, cold weather region hopes to increase geothermal systems. The ordinary stadium or school playground is actually multi-select the Turtle structure outside the drainage structure, consider the basis of the life of the construction as well as convergence with plastic venues based domestic Stadium applied asphalt concrete foundation is relatively common.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

artificial grass soccer field standard size and international arena size

artificial grass soccer field standard size and international arena size

Venue must be rectangular, the length of the edge must be longer than the length of the goal line

Length: minimum 90 m (100 yards) up to 120 meters (130 yards)

Width: shortest 45 meters (50 yards) up to 90 meters (100 yards)

2 international standard

Length: minimum 100 m (110 yards) up to 110 meters (120 yards)

Width: minimum 64 meters (70 yards) up to 75 meters (80 yards)

The stadium dimensions: the venue must be rectangular, the length of the edge must be longer than the length of the goal line. The length of 90-120 m (100-130 yards) and a width of 45-90 m (50 - 00 yards).

artificial grass football field international arena dimensions: length 100-110 m (110 - 10 yards), width of 64-75 meters (70-80 yards).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

In order to protect the interests of the end users of the artificial turf

In order to protect the interests of the end users of the artificial turf, FIFA through years of extensive use of data products and venues developed "artificial turf FIFA quality standards, and global end-user has to choose artificial turf as the universal standard.

The standard two grades: one star (1 Star) and two-star (2 star)

FIFA 1 star: 1 star positioned as the general community and the ordinary venues standard the FIFA 2 star: 2 Star certification for professional / senior game

The global total of 23 manufacturers have the ability through the certification contract with FIFA, FIFA quality standards certification square to create a. The premise of a star and Tr detected venue detection artificial turf product first through the detection of the laboratories, mainly includes the product model identification, the durability of the product, the weathering resistance of the product, the players and turf interaction properties, the ball and lawn interaction performance.

Laboratory standards before entering the venue detection program. Site testing and certification by the FIFA designated certification laboratory to field test complete venue pavement, mainly including the shock absorption of the artificial turf, the ball bounced a lot of sports performance and safety performance indicators.

There are currently over two hundred tablets Award and more than three hundred pieces a star venues worldwide. Laboratory testing and site testing agencies SportsLabs (UK) and Labosport (France).

FIFA star certification is a series of processes, including FIFA the certified suppliers censorship - laboratory product testing - venue detection - Star certification. Which laboratory tests for the detection of the entire system, the main lawn and filler performance tests and on the identification of the product model. Laboratory tests proved that the system can meet FIFA2 star standard venue, pavement, pavement specifications must be consistent with the laboratory tests. While the complete venue pavement, you will need to contact the FIFA designated laboratory field inspection staff to the scene detection.

The FIFA standard requirements the smallest venue 45X90m, maximum 90X120m. Testing personnel will elect six points respectively test vertical ball rebound angle ball rebound the ball rolling, vibration absorption, vertical deformation, rotational resistance, soles glide value / deceleration values ​​and the system performance. After all the testing is completed, the laboratory with artificial turf on the field and glue sand back again identified, the final issuance of the certificates.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hangzhou, synthetic turf and plant simulation (simulation tree) in the rational use of the real estate landscape

Hangzhou, synthetic turf and plant simulation (simulation tree) in the rational use of the real estate landscape

Recently, Hangzhou real estate landscape to create, we found that there are a growing number of projects in the local option of using a fake plastic lawn and plant simulation to create a more pleasant community landscape, many residents also said: in some roof greening above, developers laying simulation and softness highly synthetic turf weekend when the weather is nice, the elderly and children of the family in the above play a walk, I feel very good, and a neighbor's child can often play together, not only security, but also greatly increase neighborhood interaction between.

Previous green roof, developers or owners of personal often also engage in some green plants and plant some lawn, but often the beginning of the time with good results, but not a few months, because of mismanagement or neglect to take care of, lawn or plants will gradually yellow and die, if not late sustained investment and professional care, pleasant green landscape would cease to exist, the property is also a headache, the owners are also great views. Later, some professional companies has been sweeping the western synthetic turf and plant simulation introduced into some high-end commercial real estate and residential, effective solution to this problem, in this regard, Hangzhou, Vanke Real Estate, Wharf Realty, Riverside Properties, Kun related products for their owners to create a high-end landscape horizons and enjoy the first real estate companies and real estate and Greentown brand, has played a significant role to enhance and promote the sales of real estate for its own brand.

Hangzhou synthetic turf and plant simulation market, the gradual emergence of a number of professional design and installation enterprises, they provide professional one-stop service for many brands of real estate enterprises, from the production of custom design and installation are in place until the latter part of the continuing sale protection completely resolve the bad feelings of the owners of the roof the turf brief life and provoke mosquito. synthetic turf and simulation of plant safety of raw materials, and the salient features of the imported equipment disposable molding process, long service life, anti-radiation, anti-aging, acid and alkali and highly imitative, in the process, completely is safe reliable, especially suitable to create a cell within the playground.

Moreover, synthetic turf can also be used as a professional football field, basketball court, golf course and croquet and other professional sports venues, artificial plants can not only create a public landscape, and is also used extensively for residential and courtyard views, some commercial establishments, such as: hotel, hotels, stores and office spaces also gradually like to create a warm and comfortable visual experience with synthetic turf and plant simulation.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Many international sports federation meeting to promote the development of artificial lawn

Many international sports federation meeting to promote the development of artificial lawn

Earlier this month, the International Rugby Board the One Turf meeting, to further promote the artificial lawn in the field of sports promotion. One Turf held its first meeting in December 2010, the purpose of the meeting is to promote a variety of sports for the sports authorities to monitor and looking for one-stop movement of artificial lawn solutions development worldwide.

Two-day meeting on a number of sports organizations to deliver a speech, including FIFA, the International Rugby Board, the United States Football League, the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), the International Hockey Federation. Simultaneously the sports artificial lawn detection agencies, scientists, as well as manufacturers, sports surface designers launched an in-depth discussion, it was agreed that the artificial surface can be used for many types of sports and to facilitate the promotion of these sports. International Rugby Board in this work plays a vital role, through the development of the production and installation standards so revolutionary enhance popularize the sport of rugby. To the general public through the use of artificial sports surface layer more people to enjoy the movement to bring the fun and benefits from the social elite. The International Rugby Board in charge of technical services Steve Griffiths said: "We are very pleased to see so many professionals, and representatives of the various sports federations to participate in this meaningful conference. Ultimately, we hope to Sports enthusiasts and professional athletes have created the best sports surface layer, so that all ages of people, in any case, can safely enjoy football and other sports. "

In the past few years, we have seen the promotion of artificial sports surface layer has made considerable progress, the cooperation of the various sports federations such meeting has also been strengthened. The meeting at the same time ensure the continued development of this good trend, especially for the general public and the grassroots level there are more opportunities for a positive impact from the sport. Professor Richard Kent, attend the meeting on behalf of the United States Football League, said: "All sports management agency should make decisions to improve the movement of surface layer security for the study of the principles of sports injuries should be the core issue of the International Rugby Board The One Turf Conference is the exchange of knowledge important opportunity in this side. "

The meeting heard each motion of the competent bodies on the artificial surface can affect the development of its movement, provides development and strategic decision to speak in the future. After that meeting reviewed the similarities and differences, and then a large sportswear manufacturers to summarize what kind of footwear products are most suitable for artificial lawn artificial lawn products in various sporting director, inter-agency certification standards. The conference explored the artificial lawn sports injuries related data, and then most of the delegates to participate in the drafting of a cooperation document, this cooperation documents in various sports-based artificial existing certification standards.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

artificial grass yarn market research report 2010-2013

artificial grass yarn market research report 2010-2013

Artificial grass yarn industry is developing rapidly, and improve the technical level. Domestic enterprises in order to obtain a greater return on investment on the scale of production and product quality continues to increase. But by the impact of the international financial crisis, the external policy environment, demand for upstream and downstream industries, and many other factors, artificial grass silk industry in the next few years, market conditions and price movements of concern.

Artificial grass yarn market research report 2010-2013 on the basis of long-term market research, the first review of the course of development of the artificial grass yarn industry, major national market, technology development, as well as a comparison of the domestic and foreign markets, in the analysis analyzed on the basis of the economic operation of the artificial grass silk industry, the artificial grass silk industry sales and corporate profitability as well as import and export analysis and forecasting. Elaborated in detail on the basis of analysis of the competitive situation of the artificial grass silk industry, the the artificial grass silk industry enterprise competition, market concentration and international competitiveness. Enterprise competitive strategy analysis, summed up the industry's technology and market trends. The detailed analysis of corporate investment policy, market, technology risk for investors.

The research advisory report written by the still general consulting research center, the report according to the National Bureau of Statistics, the Trade and Industry Bureau, the Inland Revenue Department, the General Administration of Customs, the State Council Development Research Center, National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, State Information Center, the major commercial database, relevant industry The data released by the associations, newspapers, magazines and municipal research company writing this report is related businesses, research units and bank government is accurate, comprehensive, quickly understand the current development trend of the industry, to grasp the essential professional development of corporate strategy to orient reporting.

artificial grass, the first World Cup game on artificial grass

Although the game is boring, but Algeria and Slovenia match to create history, plastic track this game is the first game in World Cup history artificial mixed lawn.

This artificial mixed lawn is still in the trial of FIFA. From yesterday's game, especially flat lawn, clear boundaries, plastic track the flight of the ball and the scrolling speed quickly. Slovenia defender Cesar the first to feel the new lawn is very smooth, plastic track, he said: "this venue is unusual for us, the ball running very smooth."